What Does Gru Say to Miss Hattie

Blossom_beautie said:

This was sooo cute I LOVE this quote:

Gru: [to the girls] You will not cry, or sneeze or barf or fart! No annoying sounds.
Agnes: Does this count as annoying?
[puckles her cheeks]

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This was sooo cute I LOVE this quote:    Gru: [to the girls] You will not cry, or sneeze or barf or fart! No annoying sounds.  Agnes: Does this count as annoying?  [puckles her cheeks]


Hahaha! That's my second favorite! :D

JElover posted over a year ago



one of my favorite parts! :)



LOL xDDD so funny and cute


that's my second favorite my first is "i grab the moon *flips page* i sit on the toilet" Gru

mindlessbree143 said:

when Edith and the little minions r decorating the house and Gru comes in and see's the mess, and Edith goes like: Your cousin did it! Minion: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?

that was hilarious!!!!! XD!

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lautner_luver said:

Gru: Your dog keeps dropping little bombs on my yard!

Neighbor: Well, you know, thats just what dogs do...

Gru: Not unless they're dead

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HAHA!!!!! I love that one.

Vixie79 posted over a year ago




ZaJR posted over a year ago

goofiegirl14 said:

either its so fluffy im gonna die! its so fluffy!!! or does this count as annoying??

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angelstr343 said:

Definitely when Gru wins Agnes the unicorn and she goes, "It's so fluffy!" It was so funny and cute, I cracked up when I saw the movie

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LinaHarrow said:

I loved the whole entire movie!!!

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SonicArena1 said:

Gru, saying "You will not cry, or whine, or laugh, or giggle, or sneeze or burp or fart!"

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ZaJR said:

Gru:Knooooocked ooveeerrr
Gru:You will not cry or laugh or sneeze or burp or fart.And no annoying noises.
Agnes:Does this count as a noise?*clicks tongue and puffs cheeks*
Gru:Your dog keeps dropping bombs all over my yard.
Neighbor:Well,you know,it's what dogs do.
Gru:Not unless they're dead.Ahahahaha!

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Stellawinx4eva said:

Agnes:Its so fluffy!)

Gru:(To the girls)You will not cry,or Sneeze or Barf or Fart! No annoying stuff
Agnes:Do this count as annoying *Puckles her cheeks* oh so funny

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justinbieber57 said:

"I think he's nice." "And scary." "Yeah. . . Like Santa!" or "Lightbulb" lol oh or "Its so fluffy I think I could die!!!!" And last but not least "ITS SO FLUFFY!!!!!"

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Hahaha! You're like me then! I love that quote about Santa! Hahahaha! Genious! That whole movie! <3 :)

JElover posted over a year ago

Vixie79 said:

"Knocked oooover." I loved that.

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iamagagamonster said:

ITS SO FLUFFY! lol that was a cute part. shes all about unicorns

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Albino said:

"I bet the mother is beautiful"
"I bet the mother as sparkles in her eyes"
"I bet the house is made out jelly beans!(...gummy worms?)"

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^Yup, I think it is gummy worms.


It's "Gummy Bears", actually...

jill25 said:

My few favorites quotes are these:
1# Vector! Thats me, because I'm committing crime with both direction and magnitude. OH YEAH!!!

2#Agnes: Pinkie promise? Gru: Oh yes, my pinkie promises.

3#Carnival Guy: Oh somebody's got a frowny face. Better luck next time. Gru: Okay, my turn......Hah!(takes out torchlike gun)BOOM! Knocked over! Agnes: IT'S SO FLUFFAY!

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irkeninvadermay said:

I love it when Gru yells at Dr. Nefario for the dancing cookie robots and say "why are you so old?"

I love the part when Gru is talking to his neighboor about the dog pooping on his lawn too.

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Pitrocks14 said:

Agnes: It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!

*Edith runs to the trap and Gru chases after her*
Gru: No, no no! Stay away from the trap!

Edith: Poked a hole in my juice box.

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chloemg said:

A:My caterpillar didn't turn into a butterfly
E:Thats a cheeto
A:Oh (eats it)

Sooooooo funny!!!


(Edith knocks over a bottle of green liquid)
E:Somebody broke that



(Edith is decorating the house with toilet paper when gru walks in)

E:(Points at minion) it was your cousins idea

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Kat-101 said:

1.does this count as annoying? *clicking of the tongue and slapping cheek*

2. its so fluffy im gonna die!!!! its so fluufffffy!!!! *shakes unicorn viciously*

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or the santa thing

Kat-101 posted over a year ago


or knocked OVVER!

Kat-101 posted over a year ago


or when gru kisses them goodnight and then the minions are like " what about us?"

Kat-101 posted over a year ago


or the pinkie promise part and all the ladies are like flashing their eyelashes at gru. AWKS!!

Kat-101 posted over a year ago


or when Vector goes SQUID LAUNCHER OH YEAH!!!!!!

michaelaxxrae said:

My favorite quote is when the one orphan says "you poked a hole in my juicebox". but did anyone notice in the seen were the minions are cheering when gru gets to the moon that two of them are making out? and another one is miss.Hattie's flower vase is a bong?!

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Bwagner14 said:


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PinkIsDaBomb said:

I love the whole thing it's the best movie ever and there's a lot of funny quotes I don't know what one 2 pick.

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Deibimanabu said:

It's a tough one. I like Margo's asinine ways of taking the thunder out of Gru's threats about touching things. "How about the air?" etc...

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robintweets said:

You have the audacity to ask for money? Apparently!
We don't want to spend a week in the box of shame would we?
I hate that guy

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josephine1984 said:

My favourite quote is from the video conference with Mr Perkins -
"I fly to the moon; I shrink the moon; I grab the moon; I sit on the toilet....!"

I also like
"You have got to be pulling on my leg!"
"Your cousin made me do it." "Whaaaaat?"
"It's so fluffy, I'm gonna die"

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bieleber4ever said:

My favorite r from Gru "KNOCKED OVER!!"You will cry or sneeze,barf,or fart"I grab the moon *flips paper* I sit the toilet" lol thats all i can remember

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lite bulb

_Shrimpykid_ said:

Gru: (explaining his plan to steal the moon to his boss) "And then i sit on the toilet... (sees picture the girls drew) WAIT WHAT?!"

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Crazed4Jacob said:

Agnes: "it's so fluffy I'm gonna die"..."it's so fluffy!!!"

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cookie-do said:

" and i sit on the toilet " XD

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ConfusedDino said:

"It's so fluffy, I'm gonna die!!!"
"It was your cousin's idea!.."Whaaa?"

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jolteon said:

2.I said dart gun, not fart gun

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AnimeMangaLol said:

IT'S SO FLUFFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

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dirtmonkey said:

Margo: Hey can we order a pizza?
Gru: "Pizza? You just had lunch!

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AlsoNotMum said:

Gru: "You may not cry, or sneeze, or burp, or fart. So no,no,no,no annoying noises."

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I have a favorite quote from all of the Characters in the first one.
Gru: "You may not cry, or whine, or laugh, or giggle, or sneeze or barf or fart. So no no no annoying sounds, alright?"
Vector: "Ahh, curse you tiny toilet!"
Margo: "Wait a sec, you were the guy who pretended he was the recorded message."
Edith: "It was your cousin's idea."
Agnes: "It's so fluffy!"
Dr. Nafario: "A dozen boogie robots. Boogie! Ha ha ha ha."

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What Does Gru Say to Miss Hattie

Source: https://www.fanpop.com/clubs/despicable-me/answers/show/139463/what-favorite-quote-from-despicable

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