Can a Black Woman Get a Perm While Pregnant

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Perms while Pregnant?!?!

I need a relaxer so bad! I'm 6 months and haven't had a perm in a little bit longer than that and now I can't do ANYTHING with my hair! Any tips? What have you heard? A couple of people have told me it was okay, but I'm a bit nervous....


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I got perms with my son and I am getting perms with this pregnancy now. I just waited until after the first trimester and I use a very light perm.

I got one in 2nd trimester after I cut my hair short. I didn't think anything of it until afterwards lol

I usually do a Keratin treatment which I am no longer doing until after I deliver but I have to perm my edges lol ! I've done t once during this pregnancy at 15 weeks

I waited until my second trimester, but I got a perm as well. My hair stylist made sure just not to leave it on longer than necessary.

I had relaxers while pregnant I would just stretch them out and I waited until I was 12 weeks along before I got one then every 6 weeks after my hairstylist told me pregnancy can affect the relaxer. It may not take or last as long as it normally would

I got them throughout my pregnancy but I kept it on for the shortest amount of time possible and stretched it out until I looked a mess lol

People still use relaxers? I wouldn't advise it. A friend of mine was relaxing during her pregnancy. She had post partum shedding, ended up going natural even tho she had no plans to and now she says she wish went natural while she was pregnant.

I permed again as soon as I hit second trimester, these are old wives tales, the only this to be concerned about are fumes which is why they say coloring is not much advised. You'd sooner hurt your baby drinking tap water

I waited until the second trimester.

What about braids? As they can me low maintenance for you. Then possibly later in your pregnancy you get a perm.

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Can a Black Woman Get a Perm While Pregnant


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